I Almost Failed College Doing Laundry

Doing your own laundry in college can be very stressful for a number of reasons. Below are few of many reasons doing your own laundry in college is stressful:

Having the time in between projects, assignments, or class to be able to wash those clothes AND dry them.
It already feels like there is just no time to study, eat, hangout with friends, sleep THEN LAUNDRY??? It can be difficult trying to find just an hour (especially if you partied all weekend and neglected laundry) for laundry. 
You just washed those favorite jeans and you left to take a quick nap and they are gone-stolen grrrrrr..
In French - voleur, In Spanish - ladrón, In Italian - ladro, In Chinese - 賊 (pronounced Zéi), in whatever language it is pronounced most of us will agree that no one likes a thief. To imagine a pair of your fave jeans, shirt or lucky socks get stolen while doing laundry is not something exciting to experience but happens on campus quite a bit.
Is everyone's mom or dad coming to campus? Why is everybody doing laundry on today? 
Those days when you think most of your college friends are either trying to catch up on sleep, schoolwork or last minute hangout promises so you go to the campus laundry room to wash your clothes. Little did you know everyone is trying to do their laundry, so you struggle with finding an available machine to wash/dry your clothes. 
Hurray you finally made it through the drag of washing and drying, now it's time to fold those clothes (they won't fold themselves).
As though having to spend study time or date night alone moving from washer and dryer, washing the same clothes multiple times to ensure they are clean, drying them several times because they did not dry properly the first couple times, now you are done but you still have to fold them ALL. Talk about another escapade with your clothes. SIGHS.........
Pssst.....that is why we are here. There is no reason why you are stressing about laundry when you have us.
The service is available on a weekly, bi-weekly, or as needed.  In order to sign-up or find out more information about Dorm Mom laundry services, please visit Dorm Mom website at  www.dormmom.com or call toll free at 1-877-478-5332.


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