Five Crazy Things Found In Dorms

(Number Three Will Freak You Out!)

Isn’t college hard enough without having to worry about what kind of critters might be living next to your bed or hiding in the bottom drawer of your desk? Here’s a list of five real-life situations that are sure to get you thinking. You might want to grab a flashlight and start checking around. Once that’s done, all we can say is make sure you keep things clean and uncluttered because places to hide are… Well, you might not like what hides there!

1. Boa Constrictor

In 1995, a six foot boa constrictor escaped from a Harvard Medical School graduate’s dorm room, and exited into the air conditioning vent. Can you just imagine how crazy everyone must have become? One moment you’re sleeping comfortably and the next moment you have a scaly roommate interested in crawling into bed with you!

2. Spiders

In 2012, a Kansas City student woke up with bumps on his wrist. He figured he’d just been tagged by a mosquito the night before so he ignored it. A few hours later, with his wrist purplish and the size of a balloon, he went to the student medical center and discovered he’d been bit not once but twice by a brown recluse spider. Fortunately his wrist healed but you have to wonder if he ever slept soundly in that room again.

3. Bedbugs

All of us like the idea of our skin being pierced with an elongated insect beak so our blood can be sucked out of our body, right?  Wait… doesn’t sound like a good idea? Well, that’s what bedbugs do, and an English Lit undergrad at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee was horrified to wake up covered with the bites! Bedbugs are a nightmare to get rid of but they’re more of a nightmare to have!

4. Rats

You’ll definitely say, “rats,” if you get stuck dealing with a rat problem in your dorm room. They breed like… well, like college students but faster. The problem got so bad at the University of Georgia in 2012 that one residence hall had dozens of calls to campus safety for pest control in only a few weeks! 

5. Your Roommate

Okay, so we couldn’t resist. Still, since we’re talking about pests we ought to point out that roommates can make the environment of the dorm a little crazy as well. The key is open communication and perhaps finding alternative ways to keep things tidy.

There you have it, potential nightmares in the making. Still, all it takes is a bit of attention to deal with almost any pest issue. Keep things clean and neat and you can probably sleep without worrying about what’s crawling, slithering or scampering nearby!


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