
Showing posts from July, 2014

College Laundry Nightmares

Dorm Mom Laundry Services recently started a video series called “Laundry Nightmares” on our YouTube Channel ( ).  We have two Laundry Nightmares up so far and there are more to come… These videos are hilarious and a WAY over-the-top take on college students and their hatred of laundry.  College students are suffering… from #laundryloathing … and everyone needs to know that they are NOT ALONE.  College students need to know that there is another way… they don’t have to suffer from the horrors of dorm life laundry anymore… Follow us @DormMom Never do your laundry again… Let Dorm Mom do it for you.

Enrollment for Dorm Mom Fall 2014 Semester Laundry Services is Now Open

Enrollment for Fall 2014 Semester laundry services is now open. Many students and their parents are wondering when can they begin sign-up for the Fall Semester laundry services. Well, the answer is now! It is never too early to sign-up for laundry services. Dorm Mom laundry service is a professional wash, dry and fold service for students, faculty and other busy professionals that don't have the time to do their laundry. We would pick-up laundry on an agreed schedule and have it done and returned within 48 hours. Dry cleaning is available upon request or can be pre-ordered. Please visit Dorm Mom at  or call us toll free at 1-877-478-5332 to sign-up or find out more information.