Need Three or More Extra Hours a Week? Dorm Mom Laundry Service Will Help

Are you a college student heading to school this Fall Semester? If yes, there will be a lot to look forward to including the opportunity to have three (3) or more extra hours a week. HOW? Dorm Mom laundry services help students save time and money by providing professional laundry services that enable them to use the 3-5 hours spent in the laundry room on more important things such as study or research.

Dorm Mom provides great laundry services to students all over the United States for a very affordable price.
Dorm Mom picks up students laundry from their dorm room or apartment on an agreed schedule, have it washed, dried neatly folded and back within 48 hours.
The service is available on a weekly, bi-weekly, or as needed. Laundry is picked up and done once a week for the entire semester. This includes free pick-up and delivery.

In order to sign-up or find out more information about Dorm Mom laundry services, please visit Dorm Mom website at or call toll free at 1-877-478-5332.


I was finding laundry services from many times in usa and I finally got your blog and read about your services. I am a college student and have no time to clean my clothes so I need a best laundry services. On what prices will you offer me your laundry services?
This kind of laundry services is indeed very helpful in providing cleaning service for workers and students who have no time to wash clothes even during day off.
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