Dorm Living: A Freshman's Tale

As a freshman, I never did know how to do laundry because my mom did all my laundry while I lived at home. Going to college and having to do everything myself was quite a dauting task. At first, I let weeks and weeks of laundry pile up and it becomes nasty and had to drag myself to the laundry room down the hall. It took forever to get them washed and dried.

The worst part of doing my laundry is folding after it's done. I made a big mistake the first couple of times doing my laundry by waiting for hours and sometimes days before folding freshly cleaned laundry. The result was walking around campus in wrinkled shirts and looking like a retard. I was told to fold them right after it comes out of the dryer. This worked really well but was really tiring. I decided to hang them instead and it has nearly the same wrinkle resistant look if straightened and hung after taking them out of the dryer.

With my busy schedule and total lack of interest in sitting in the laundry room waiting for the laundry to get done and then folding or hanging them, I opted to use a laundry service to help save me time. Based on what I do and the business interests I have, an hour of my time is worth about $30. I spend about 3 hours doing laundry - that's $90 i could have made while writing a software as a free lance developer for an off-shore company. Dorm Mom laundry services cost about $19 per week. They come on campus to pick-up the laundry and return it within 48 hours, neatly folded, ironed and looking sharp. I am saving so much money and I look so much better in my clothing everytime I go to class. All I do is put my dirty laundry in the bag I was sent and they pick-up and have it done. I think this service is awesome and everyone that values their time should be using it. Thank you Dorm Mom!!!



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