Spelman College Residence Halls and Off-Campus Dorm Mom Laundry Services
Many students at Spellman College use Dorm Mom’s Laundry Service, which provides weekly pick-up and drop off from the residence halls and off-campus apartments. The service includes wash, dry and fold, dry cleaning, ironing, delicate items handling, etc. When picked up, we process the laundry at our facility and returned back within 48 hours. Dorm Mom picks up at all dorms, on-campus residences and off-campus apartments during the week. We pick up at on-campus residence halls such as Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Howard-Harreld, Dorothy Shepard Manley, Stewart Living, Sally Sage McAlpin, Morehouse-James, Laura Spelman, Living-Learning Center, Bessie Strong, and MacVicar. Off-campus pickup includes, sororities, fraternity, and communities in the Atlanta, GA area. Laundry at college includes a lot of hassles. Some hassles with doing your own laundry in college includes: · Wait in line to do your laundry · ...