
Showing posts from August, 2008

Dorm Mom Groceries: Buy in Bulk and Save

Dorm Mom Groceries allows you to select from an array of over 22,000 grocery items. It offers bulk purchases and free shipping for items over $25. For students, bulk grocery shopping may not work so Dorm Mom is introducing BulkSplit which will allow buying a single item from the bulk at a bulk price. Check out the grocery store at

Local Restaurant Search, Laundry Services and Apartment Cleaning - All in one Convenience

In addition to its signature laundry service , apartment cleaning, grocery delivery and other services, Dorm Mom will begin providing local restaurant search around college campuses. This will feature online ordering, scheduling food delivery, reviewing local restaurants, etc. The service will be 100% free and are sponsored by restaurants around your campuses. Each restaurant will have it's menu on the Dorm Mom website, hours, special features, cuisine, promotions, etc. Students are able to suggest new restaurants that are not listed and restaurant owners will have the ability to add information, publish promotions and process orders all from Please check back for more details!!!